Wrackline Basket - Summer Beach #813

Wrackline Basket - Summer Beach, Ghost Net Baskets -  artwork by Emily Miller
 Wrackline Basket - Summer Beach, Ghost Net Baskets -  artwork by Emily Miller
 Wrackline Basket - Summer Beach, Ghost Net Baskets -  artwork by Emily Miller
 Wrackline Basket - Summer Beach, Ghost Net Baskets -  artwork by Emily Miller
 Wrackline Basket - Summer Beach, Ghost Net Baskets -  artwork by Emily Miller
 Wrackline Basket - Summer Beach, Ghost Net Baskets -  artwork by Emily Miller
 Wrackline Basket - Summer Beach, Ghost Net Baskets -  artwork by Emily Miller
Reclaimed fishing rope hand-embroidered with shiny brass beads, turban snail shells collected on the southern Oregon coast, and driftwood from Kauai's west side. This basket is reminiscent of the flotsam washed up at the high tide line on beach walks I've taken around the world.

Reclaimed fishing rope, 2019

10" diameter x 9" high

Available from stockists

$400. Inquire to purchase from Fairweather »

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